Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mom Moments

Life is full of lessons. They can be found in everyday life, if we would only be willing to see them. If we aren’t able to discover those lessons, life can easily become mundane. I can pretty confidently say that my life has not been boring or mundane! At the most, I might have a dull week but even that is very rare. Instead, I have found that along the way, God puts forth many lessons to be learned. Sometimes they are in the very simplest of things—taking care of a basic need for your child or they can be found in the very trials and troubles of life that can weigh you down.

Throughout the lessons we learn, as believers, we also recognize the need that we can’t make it through the lessons without a measure of faith. We are told in God’s Word that if we have faith as small as the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. I think that is very significant and worth really thinking about. Have you ever seen a mustard seed? I bought a container of them one time. I had been given a necklace that the children’s pastor’s wife had made for me and the focal point of the necklace was this tiny box that could hold a mustard seed.

When I opened the container of mustard seeds, it became very real to me, how very little faith we actually need in order to see God do big things. Sometimes I think we get it all mixed up. We think that in order for God to really move, we need to first muster up a huge amount of faith. But it really doesn’t require much which shows me that first of all, God really is gracious and second, if He can do that much with just a little bit of faith…I can only imagine what He can do when our faith is even bigger!

Faith has been central to our latest journey through the foster care system. I have heard many stories, from those who have been on the end of being in the system, to those who have become foster parents and even from a caseworker. It is a system filled with holes…but God is the hole-filler. He can do wonders and if my faith…small as a mustard seed…can see Him work miracles, then most certainly you can see the same thing in your life and in your situations.

One evening I was doing some journaling in a book called Streams in the Desert and this thought was put into my heart that I wish to share with you: Prayer is the means of sending a message but faith is the substance of the message. May your faith, small as it may be, see those mountains be moved!

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